UPDATE (6:40 p.m. Wednesday): I’ve now added 27 great photos I found on Facebook. My goal is to to have this site be the “go-to” place for one-stop viewing of snow photos. Scroll to the bottom for new photos. I’ll probably add even more tomorrow. - Bill
Let the record forever show that on January 21, 2025 approximately 5 1/2 inches of snow fell on Troy, Alabama - the most snow to fall on our city since the Great Blizzard of 1973!
Some communities in south Alabama received far more snow, including one community in Covington County that received 11 inches!
Oddly, downtown Montgomery received only a 1/2 inch at the State Capitol.
Today, I present a collage of my own photos with my main postcard photos being spots at Troy University and the downtown Square, plus our own house/neighborhood.
The Square this morning (Wednesday) around 8:30.
More photos to come!
I’ll continue to add photos (and already have).
Readers can also email me their favorite photos at: wjricejunior@gmail.com. Or send to me by Facebook direct message. Please include names and pertinent info for captions.
This first round of snow photos were taken by Bill Rice, Jr. Wednesday morning.
*** (Thank you for sharing this community scrapbook with friends and family members … and check back often!) ***
University Avenue - taken from in front of Smith Hall/Claudia Crosby Theater.
It was probably dangerous to drive around Troy early this morning to take photos, but I had to snap a few photos of local landmarks.
What our street looked like at 7 a.m. Wednesday morning.
View of the pecan orchard at the home of Duane and Connie Webb in Hillcrest.
Terra Cotta Warriors at Janice Hawkins Cultural Park (a great place to sled!)
Alabama’s Most Beautiful Campus - blanketed in a quilt of pristine snow.
Campus bench early Wednesday morning.
Foot prints in the snow.
Pike County Court House … was, of course, closed.
A giant snow bird.
Icicles were everywhere.
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Second Tranche of Snow Photos …
This “Dancing Warrior” at the Nall Art Gallery must have been on the chilly side.
John Lewis Hall.
Another view of the Square Wednesday morning.
The Rice family back yard before the kids woke up and snow prints (and Annie’s paw prints) covered this area. (Update 2:04 p.m: Shoot, it’s all starting to melt!).
Snow /ice sludge - a common sight this morning. Drive carefully if you have to drive at all!
The car sputtered but started after being buried in snow and ice overnight.
This outdoor table was helpful to gauge how much snow we received at our house. It looks like about 4 to 5 inches, but the snow was still falling when I took this photo on Tuesday around 3 p.m. At our house, the snow stopped at 6 p.m. We first saw flakes around 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday with “accumulation” starting around 10 a.m. on Tuesday.
I’m sure Jack and Maggie Rice will remember “The Great Snow of 2025” the rest of their lives.
Wind chill temperatures today (Wednesday) at 11 a.m. EST. Note that the wind chill in the panhandle of Florida was 19; practically no state in America had reached freezing temperatures. At least six Deep South states recorded locations that experienced at least 8 inches of snow. Mobile had 7.5 inches of snow, breaking a snowfall record that had stood since 1895. Parts of New Orleans approached a foot of snow!
Third round of photos …
Photos (and captions) I found on Facebook. I’ll divide these into People, Snow Dogs, Places, Homes and Miscellaneous.
FULL-CIRCLE: The children of Amy Reeves Drinkard. Wrote Amy on Facebook: “I’ll never forget the memories I made with my best friend in 1993 when we experienced our first snow together. Today, 32 years later, we watched our girls experience their first snow and all the joy that goes with that. What a full-circle moment! Thank you Lord for friendships like these!! Note: Amy also included a photo of her and her close friend, Tara Rodgers Morelock, from a snow event circa 1993.
What great pictures and beautiful children!
The family of Holly Graham Pugh.
Troy University Photographer Joey Meredith must have the best photo album in town.
Kristy and Adam Drinkwater in Heritage Ridge.
Carys Pittman was under the weather, but she couldn’t miss this historic event. Carys is the daughter of Christy and Julius Pittman of Troy and a student at PLAS.
Snow Dogs …
Cathy and Jerry Beckett’s best friend Jessie
Pug Lily Fryer (with my mother-in-law, Elizabeth) seemed to enjoy her fist snow. Lily has also written a book!
Sully Lowery (owners Holly and Wally) trying to figure out his “first snow.”
Kendra Wood snapped this photo of her and Allan’s canine friend: “13 degrees out and he refuses to come in through the dog door. He loves to make me get up out of my warm bed and wait on him …”
Bird watcher Chad Roberts posted this great photo
Snow White Troy Homes …
Belinda Dykes Kitchens snapped this pretty photo.
Debra Davis’s property in Shellhorn early Tuesday evening: Wrote Debra: “That’ll do, Mother Nature. We’ve had all we want and then some in Shellhorn. (And it’s still coming down.”
Frances and William Davis’s home on my side of town is beautiful. Frances wasn’t sure she knew how to make a Facebook post, but this photo looks like a promo for a Hallmark Holiday movie.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Williams’ home on Murphree Street. This is the Hank McLeod house that my late grandmother lived next door to for decades.
Tom Davis documented the start of accumulation on Pine Street in Troy.
Troy Places ….
I wonder how may snows Douglas Brothers Jewelry has seen in Troy since this business first opened 154 years ago. Probably not many like this.
No, this is not Lambeau Field in Green Bay … It’s Veterans Memorial Stadium in Troy, Alabama. (From Troy Trojan Football’s FB Page).
Sorrel Chapel at Troy University (from Troy University FB Page).
Troy University dorms (note the snow man). From Troy University FB page.
Troy Regional Medical Center was definitely not closed, but was very pretty in the snow.
The School on the Hill (PLAS) was closed for several days, which upset all students and teachers (just kidding).
Other favorite snow photos (Miscellaneous) ….
Clever way to commemorate the Great Snow of 2025. (From Eric Burkett’s Facebook Page.)
Sherry Helms captioned this photo “Thank you, Lord.” She added this church was a gift from her late mother and was hand-made by Barbara Ward’s husband.
Very cool (literally).
I found this photo at Roger Schultz’s Facebook page. Roger, a former All-SEC center at Alabama, worked for Troy University’s athletic department for several years and now lives in Mobile - which got even more snow than Troy!
I have’t found or seen many snow men, but Danielle Jones posted this Frosty at “Check on Your Troy People.” I saw one snowman in front of a dorm at Troy University, but my camera battery had died. In one of his many excellent safety posts, Mayor Jason Reeves said this was a dry snow, which probably made it harder to make snow men and snow balls.
It’s good to finish this round with a photo of one of the many pubic servants who worked over time to keep us all safe. We appreciate their efforts very much. As Sheriff Thomas and Mayor Reeves noted, many roads were and still are impassable. (Source: Neal Armstrong’s FB page).
Thanks for stopping by Alabama’s only on-line Substack newspaper. Please come again!
P.S. ….“Boo!”
Update: This photo of my neighbors’ pecan orchard shows how much snow had melted by 9:10 a.m. Thursday morning. As you can see, there’s still plenty of snow, which has now been on the ground for about 47 hours. Temperatures over night dipped into the teens or low 20’s again. January 2025 should be one of the coldest months on record for many states and cities.
This global warming is killing me!
Wish we'd get some of your sunshine here in Toronto . Love seeing your excitement and your kids are adorable.