Correction: The story says James Holzhauer "netted" $2.5 million on "Jeopardy!" That's wrong. That's the figure he "grossed" before the State of California and Uncle Sam took their tributes.

I think the California State income tax is 12 percent for people who make as much as James did. He had to pay it, because he "worked" in California for six or seven days when the episodes were taped.

Fortunately for him, he lives in Nevada, which doesn't have a state income tax. If he'd lived in New York, he would have had to pay California 12 percent, New York 10 percent and Uncle Same about 40 percent. He also had to pay for his travel expenses and lodging and meals while in California (unless producers pay some kind of per diem for contestants).

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It's interesting to me that nobody since James has used the same strategies. However, James was invited to participate in a two-day tournament with the show's Top 3 all-time players, including the all-time champ (as far as number of shows won), Ken Jennings, who is now the host of the show.

Jennings surprised me by beating James in this Jeopardy Super Bowl. However, the way he did this was playing exactly like James' played. In other words, he beat James at his own game.

Jennings was smart enough to know that was the only way he could beat James. So the smartest player knows Holzhauer did indeed figure out how to play Jeopardy better than anyone else ever had.

Jennings admitted he was a nervous wreck playing this 'cut throat" brand of Jeopardy and not many people would have the nerves to play the game this way.

James probably also figured out the State of California and Uncle Sam would take at least 50 percent of his Jeopardy winners' winnings. So James didn't really make $2.4 million. He made about $1.2 million. The State of California (where the show is taped) and the IRS - which didn't answer one question correctly - made just as much money as James.

James was fortunate he lives in a state, Nevada, that doesn't have a state income tax or the government would have confiscated even more of "his" money.

To still make a lot of money with all these taxes, you need to maximize your winnings.

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loved the history review! Who didn’t enjoy watching James !

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